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Options Bootcamp: Elevate Your Trading Game

Are you ready to take your options trading skills to new heights? Join our exclusive Options Bootcamp led by Imran Lakha, owner of Options Insight. Whether you're a novice or an experienced trader, this intensive program is designed to empower you with the knowledge and strategies you need to succeed in the options market.
don't miss out on this opportunity

What You Will Learn?

1st Week

  • What are calls and puts and how are they used
  • Combining options and the various payoffs you can create
  • Option Pricing – factors affecting option value
  • Breaking down options value (Intrinsic vs Time value)
  • One-day option pricing without a model
  • Put/Call parity
  • Pricing Butterflies
  • Understanding value
  • Risk/Reward

2nd Week

  • Greek explained
  • Delta & Delta Hedging
  • Gamma
  • Theta
  • Vega
  • Term structure
  • Forward/Event Vol
  • Skew

3rd Week

  • What is the VIX?
  • Using VIX futures
  • VIX options strategies
  • Portfolio Hedging
  • Using Ol Dashboard
  • Crypto Options
  • Options Trading Mind Map

Bootcamp with Imran

June 1st, 15th, 29th
10AM - 2PM EST

Q&A Sessions with Suzanne

June 2nd, 16th, 30th
10AM - 2PM EST


Limited Spots Available

Early Bird Price


Why Enroll to Options Bootcamp?

Expert Guidance

Learn Lakha, a seasoned options trader with years of experience.

Easy-to-Follow Curriculum

Complex concepts explained in simple, digestible terms.

Proven Results

Join a program trusted by traders worldwide to deliver real results.

What You'll Get

Tailored Sessions

Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced workshops cater to traders at every level.

Community Support

Connect with a vibrant community of traders for insights, support, and collaboration.

Focused Learning

Dive deep into practical strategies and techniques that you can apply immediately.

Discord Member Discount

Exclusive 50% discount for Discord members.